Test Variables
- [[[cs_phone]]] - Customer service phone
- [[[cs_email]]] - customer service email
- [[[cs_address]]] - customer service address
- [[[brand_name_long]]] - long brand name
- [[[brand_short]]] - short brand name
- [[[oac_url]]] - main OAC login
- [[[apple_store_url]]] - Apple App store URL
[[[google_play_url]]] - Google Play App store URL
- [[[activation_url]]] - activation URL
- [[[dd_url]]] -direct deposit - make sure URL is updated to reflect new navigation (/account/direct-deposit)
- [[[bank_transfer_url]]] - bank transfer - make sure URL is updated to reflect new navigation (/account/bank-transfers)
- [[[report_card_lost_stolen_url]]] - card lost stolen - make sure the URL is updated to reflect new navigation (/account/card)
- [[[secure_inbox_url]]] - secure inbox - make sure URL is updated to reflect new navigation
- [[[[file_a_dispute_url]]] - file a dispute - make sure the URL is updated to reflect new navigation (/account/file-dispute)
- [[[my_prepaid_cards_url]]] - cards- make sure the URL is updated to reflect new navigation (/account/card)
- [[[p2p_url]]] - P to P URL - make sure URL is updated to reflect new navigation (/account/move-money/contact)
- [[[aa_url]]] -Anytime Alerts - make sure URL is updated to reflect new navigation (/account/anytime-alerts)
- [[[payback_rewards_url]]] - Payback rewards URL - make sure URL is updated to reflect new navigation (/account/offers)
- [[[payback_rewards]]] - Payback rewards program name